Alex Warner's wall she started freshman year.

Most people look at a painting and look at the product without understanding the artist's process and meaning of the product. Alex Warner is one of the few who is interested in both. She is a senior at Louisville High School and is going to the University of Nebraska Omaha to get a bachelor’s degree in Art History. She plans to become an art historian.

Alex stated, “I chose to be an art historian because I want to learn more about the history and help people connect through art and understand artists.”

Inspired by her parents, Alex started drawing consistently to keep herself entertained. In kindergarten, her new obsession began by drawing a wolf.

Freshman year she decided that she wanted a brand new canvas: her bedroom wall. She has continued painting and drawing on it since.

Alex's favorite way to spread her creativity is through painting and using bright colors for her designs. She typically uses Pinterest for inspiration and likes to paint eyes or do psychedelic art.

When Alex starts a new project, she has a unique process. She also has the ability to create something without reference photos.

Ms. Lawrence said, “The projects she makes tend to have a personal meaning to her.”

This year Alex helped TA with Miss Lawrence. Miss Lawrence stated that she is a very responsible and hard-working student when it comes to art. Her favorite project that Alex has made is her trauma board.

As the school year comes to an end, Alex will graduate and start a new chapter in her life. Alex said, “Try art and you will find a lot of love in it.”